Spring reflections...

Hi ho, I'm sure that like me, everyone was ready for a change of pace for a few days. It's that time of year, springtime has hit with a vengeance. What a lovely series of days we had for our Easter break. Also, it was particularly nice for me since I got to host the family gathering on Sunday this year. I had 19 over for lunch, and it was great. We had a lovely meal and a whole afternoon to just hang out and enjoy family.

The few days leading up to Easter were busy, but happy. I got a chance to get some errands taken care of and enjoyed a few nice meals out with hubby. The really cool thing that happened is getting an outdoor dining area set up. I had wanted a nice table and chairs that would be comfortable and inviting and covered with a large umbrella.I ended up with one that I really liked. Wish I had a pool to park it next to... maybe I can go somewhere with a great pool this summer!

Speaking of summer, it really isn't far off now. No big summer plans yet, but soon to hatch a few I'm sure! I'm looking forward to the big move across town to the new CCEast in June, and that should be very exciting. I have the Media Arts Camp for middle schoolers coming up in June too. That is always kinda fun and gets young kids interested in taking our classes later on. I know that there are challenges ahead with enrollment in our programs with there being two career centers to fill... the MAC can help us I think.

Looking forward to getting a new week underway - spring always re-energizes me. Flowers are blooming and I have a great frame of mind right now... We have some tours coming through DJCC tomorrow consisting of both counselors and principals from all of the high schools. This will give them a chance to see our classes in action. They need to visit the new center once we have everything going over there too. I am very anxious to get things set up over there. (Although it is going to be sad to say goodbye to DJCC...)


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