
Showing posts from March 6, 2011

The bell just rang!

Sometimes, even as a 52 year old lady, I still feel like an 8 year old. Today was one of those times. The 3:00 dismissal bell just rang - letting us out of school for a week of Spring Break. Even though it is just a week, it felt so exciting to hear that bell. I still love to get out of school on vacation, there is a thrill in the air that is undeniable. I have students heading off to places like Italy, Hawaii, Boston, New York, Florida, Haiti, and the list goes on and on. I have no real plans to travel, but I can tell that everyone is excited for a change of pace. It is welcomed at this time of year. I just feel happy to know that I have no schedule for a week! Lazy breakfasts with my husband, reading in bed in the afternoon, lounging in my pajamas till 10 AM... these are things that I enjoy and I could stand more of in my life. So bring it on, Spring Break is here - and I can't wait to see what it brings!

Spring is here, and it's time for more regular blogging!

I hit a little period of time in January and February when life just kind of "caught up with me", and I haven't been blogging as much as I would like. I am going to make a more concious effort to post more regularly, as I feel that it is therapeutic for me and informative for those of you who like to check in and keep up with the things that have been going on in my life lately. When you last heard from me, I was romping around in the snow with my daughter. That was a fun filled time but, man! Am I ready for sunshine, flowers, and green grass. Today the temp was excellent... it was in the 70s and felt ideal. I guess I have a bout of "spring fever". I don't know if I will ever tire of that feeling that "spring is in the air". I love the knowledge that we have just about successfully completed our first full year at the new school and that things are looking really positive for next year. I'm just feeling very happy and positive right now.