A few thoughts about friends...

I have had only a handful of friends that I can truthfully say I would trust 100% on any issue. You know, the kind of friend that I am sure would keep my secrets and would never hurt me for any reason. The kind of friend that would set me straight when I needed it, and the kind of friend that had my best interests at heart all of the time. The kind that I could call at any time of the day (or night) with any problem, no matter how large or small. I have had a few friends in my life whose sense of humor I shared, whose opinions I agreed with most all the time, and with whom I just seemed to really hit it off almost instantly.

I have only had one friend that I consider a lifelong friend, and that is my husband. For that, I am eternally grateful.

My son has a friend named Daniel. He met Daniel in the neighborhood church where there was a preschool a few days a week in the mornings. (Sort of a "Mom's Day Out"). I am pretty sure they were 4 years old when they met each other. They grew up one street over from each other and went to elementary school, middle school and high school together. Then they were Texas A&M Aggies together, both majoring in Marketing in the Mays School of Business. Did I mention that they were roomies the whole time they were there? First in the dorm, then moving into an apartment during their last semesters. They have been buddies since then too, checking up on each other after college and playing basketball and going on runs in the morning... whenever they could find time to hang out, they did. Most recently, they have each gotten married - and of course, they were each other's Best Man. Now they are 25 years old and have realized that they have been best friends for 21 years. What a friendship! It is so rare to get that privilege in life. (If you have a friend like that, count your blessings.) DJ and Daniel are like brothers. The most touching moment at the wedding of Hailey and DJ came when Daniel gave his Best Man's toast. I cried because it was so heartfelt and could only have come from someone who knew DJ as well as he did. Now Daniel is about to become a father. I have a feeling that the families of DJ and Daniel will grow together and that they will look out for each other and for each other's families for their entire lives. I am so happy to know that. That is really special.

Friends are undervalued sometimes, I think. Cultivate them and treasure them.


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