Mid-Term Exam Day...Stress Central

We are officially now 3/4 of the way through the 2011-2012 school year.

Seniors are now at the point where the "senioritis" is beginning to show its face. Most of the reason for this is the warmer weather. They now sense that it is nearing summertime, and that means college is nearly within their grasp. For a few, that is tremendously exciting. For most, it is slightly intimidating. They ask questions like "am I ready?" or "oh my gosh, how can I get more money at the last minute?" or "will I pass the last courses I need to graduate?" and they begin to feel the inevitable joy-killer at the end of the senior year...STRESS.

For adults, this may seem kind of silly. After all, having successfully passed through these years, they know that it isn't as dramatic as it may seem to these students - but when you are at the age of 17 or 18, it is very stressful. This is the time of the year when social stress and performance stress seem to collide like no other. Prom, graduation, money, grades - the stressor list is long.

For us... the adult population that interacts with teens on a daily basis... we need to be mindful that we can help. Sometimes, all that is needed is an empathetic ear. They just need a safe place to blow off a little steam. I find that those times are very beneficial for certain students. I provide a place for any student to talk to me about their stresses and I try to provide a solution for how to cope with them in a more adult way. I feel that most of these kids are equipped to cope. They just may forget how every once in awhile.

Springtime brings a sense of renewal and hope. It is a wonderful time of the year, and with a mature outlook - the stress of being a teen can be reduced and it can be a time they will remember with fondness the rest of their lives.

Happy spring, everyone!


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