What a day of fun!

This was one of those days that was so full, so rich, it is hard to describe. My students all made me so proud today. We had our annual spring semester hallway event today, where we try to take a product that is slightly difficult to sell and see how well we can do at promoting it. The students have to brainstorm and conceptualize a method of appeal to their peers. The product that we chose to promote this semester was the old favorite canned pork product, SPAM.

All day long, the students had to display their talent for marketing and advertising by executing an event in our school's hallways that involved setting up a booth with promotional material and samples. It was great! There were 12 groups in all, and I can honestly say that no groups were failures. Some were much better than others, but no one dropped the ball and just didn't come through. It was a great event, lots of fun for the students and also for us as teachers.

The winning group overall was the advanced group in the morning class. They barely edged out the first semester group that had Matt Rios, Michelle Vo, and Lucas Jackson (the grandson of  our school's namesake, Dale Jackson). In my memory, we had never had two groups score as high as those two groups did, and never had we had two groups who scored so close together. It was quite an accomplishment. The afternoon advanced class had the third highest score of the day, and that group had Heather, Amber, Andrew, Neko and Morgan. The themes that won were an elegant restaurant, an army MASH unit, and a 50s diner. Good ideas, guys!

It is always nice to get one more major project "in the books" so to speak. The end of the school year won't be long in coming, and we are enjoying some beautiful, sunny days in the low 90s already. It was like southern California here today. I am very glad to be home relaxing now, and tomorrow promises to be another very big day. We are due for a tour of the new Career Center East tomorrow afternoon as soon as school is out, and I am really looking forward to seeing how it is shaping up.

Look for another post tomorrow with photos of the new school.


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