Week winding down, excitement gearing up...

Today we (the new faculty and staff members) got to see the new Career Center East, and it is fabulous. I am so happy to see how the studio space is shaping up... I was just overwhelmed by anticipation of a new challenge as I walked up those stairs to get to the studio. There is still dust on the floor and the windows are smeared with fingerprints, etc., due to construction, but it is all there! The furniture will be coming in by July, and at that time it will really start to shape up and look like a school. I love the design of the studio. It is 1800 square feet of heaven to me.

There were about 10 or so people on this tour today. Mr. Carter, the STARS/GIS program instructor, Mr. Feany, the Engineering teacher who is coming over from Berkner HS in Richardson, Ms. Deaver who will be teaching Criminal Law, Mr. Jackson, who is the Audio/Video Production teacher, Ms. Lewis who is the Cosmetology instructor, plus the newly hired Health Science technology teacher whose name I have temporarily forgotten - and all of the office staff, including the nurse, attendance clerk and secretary. Also, the support services teacher was there. It was great to put faces to some of our departments. We didn't have our Architecture teacher because he was at a state competition with his LewisvilleHS students today. All of us got a generalized tour of the building and then we were allowed a little time in our own classroom areas. That was particularly gratifying. I thought it was great too, when Mr. Moreno, our new principal, got in front of the group and said to us: "Feel free to walk around - this is your school." For the first time, I felt like it was really home there. It was almost like a moment of realization that this is a beautiful, new school that we are actually going to get to occupy. What a privilege.

I guess for me, one of the best moments of all was when I got to see the photo studio and the conference room. Seems like a small thing, but it isn't. When you have been crammed into a small room that was once a custodial closet for a photo studio, to have a dedicated space for that purpose is just great! I am already visualizing students in that space, using it to create great photography and art pieces. The conference room will be so invaluable for small group work. It is a big part of what we do with the agencies that we form, and the kids can schedule time in there to get their work going on projects. I can't believe how lucky these kids are - it is actually nicer studio space than many pro studios that I have seen. If I had been allowed to have the opportunity to take a class like this in high school, I would have just been blown away.

Another really nice thing that happened today was that I was told by Mr. Moreno that he would like for the school itself to kind of become a blank canvas for my students. He would like art to be framed and on all of the walls. That gives our kiddos such a great opportunity. There is a display case on the front of the studio where we can put whatever we want, but he said we don't have to feel confined to the space there - he wants our work to be all over the place! It's like a museum space for design!!!

There is open "gallery space" all over the facility. As I was looking around, I realized slowly that this is an absolute dream for design students. We can do work and print it, and then get instant visibility for our students' work. Also, I believe that it is a good idea to use alumni work in the building. That is an idea that I would like to share during the alumni group meeting that we will have next September. I was just overcome with the possibilities as I stood there in the loft area, looking down on the expanse of space spread out before me. It is truly awe-inspiring. I am so happy for the future students of the CCE.

Another thing that makes me happy is the thought that it is so near. In literally a matter of weeks, we will be embarking on a new journey. It is one heck of a challenge to get a new program underway, but it is fantastic to get the chance to do it. Mr. Carter and I were talking and we decided that it is a top priority to get those classes full and buzz building about what all they get the chance to do. Much of what we are going to be offering is new and exciting, and we are starting programs that have never been offered in the district before. I wish I could take them! I don't think it will be difficult to work up the enthusiasm for "day 1" of classes this summer, and I can speak very clearly of the excitement that the Harman part of the faculty is feeling. After we left that building, we couldn't stop talking about it for hours. The furniture is due to be in by mid-July, and computers and equipment are being ordered. Soon the labs will be equipped and we will be ready for business. I am kind of excited by several things that Mr. Moreno has brought up in our meetings lately, and I think that it will be great to see the dedication of the building and the opening events. The community will be in the building a lot, and he has already told us to expect a lot of tour groups coming through next fall. The goal is to get the middle schools in the building, and we are really hoping to get lots of kids involved in the programs there as soon as we can.

There it is... the beautiful new Career Center East. A great new chapter in the history of education is about to open in Lewisville ISD, and I just can't wait to be a part of it all. 


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