For the second year running, DJCC has a junior student who has been accepted into the SCAD "Rising Star" program, and she is our principal's daughter, Mallory Strong. Mallory is highly motivated in especially the areas of photography and fashion and she looks forward to expanding her experiences this summer at SCAD. She will bring her knowledge back to share with her class during her senior year next fall. Great job Mallory!

Last summer, senior student Ryan Brownhill blazed the trail in Savannah by attending five weeks of classes taught by SCAD faculty and earned an A for each of the classes he took. This has resulted in automatic acceptance into SCAD as well as a later offer of $18,000 per year scholarship offer. We should know this week if Ryan will accept that offer or one of many others he has received. DJCC students continue the tradition of excellence, and continue to inspire me and each other every day.

Now for a completely different topic. CAKE. I have a birthday next month, and I guess I probably won't eat a lot of cake because I am trying not to eat much sugar these days. But for sheer beauty in an "Ace of Cakes" sort of vein, take a look at these photos of cakes that people have created based on... The Beatles' Yellow Submarine! Wow! Inspiring. Anyone want to try to make one of these? I would like to think that I have the skill to do this, but unfortunately - it probably isn't in the realm of the limits of my patience.

Detail of the cake... Thank you Andi, my dear, for sharing these wonderful creative cake photos with me.


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