Late night post means a tired teacher tomorrow.

I have been trying to sleep and I'm afraid that I have so much on my mind that sleep is eluding me. I figure that if I dump some thoughts on this page that it might make room for some zzzz's.

Today was full of so much activity and I still did not get everything done that needed to be done. It is always busy at this time of year, but this year feels doubly frantic due to the fact that I am essentially on two faculties now. I am going to faculty meetings for the new career center and of course, I am still fully involved in typical springtime activities at DJCC. I have had a constant influx of requests for work from multiple sources, and it feels like I am helping a lot of people with a lot of projects. The students are doing their best to help out too, but it is amazing how much is falling on me, personally, right now.

It isn't really stress, but it is about two notches busier than I have ever been before. It is hectic.

It is only when I have a lot on my mind that I end up not sleeping well. It is already after 1 AM, and it is only 6 hours until my alarm goes off. I have tried for the past two hours to sleep with no success. I need to give it a try again because tomorrow and Friday both promise to be incredibly busy and full of similar demands that today had.

On the plus side, Conner got his scholarship amount doubled! That was so great to hear, that means that he can go to CalArts without too much trouble. It will still be expensive to go, but he feels much better about his scholarship now. That should help. I know that it is the time of year when the seniors begin to get very excited about graduation and moving on to the next step, so I am thrilled that they continue to focus and do work in my class. I am very happy with some of the work that is being produced. I am printing a lot of it right now to hang a show for the Career Center East, and it is looking great so far.

Signing off for now and hoping that sleep is in my near future...


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