The Art Table... a real buffet of creativity.

This year in the advanced afternoon class, there are more people doing traditional art to complete illustrations than in any year since I have been at DJCC. There are talented students painting and drawing, there are even some really cool mixed media pieces that are being created. Typically, a majority of the projects done for our spring competitions are digitally produced. This year, we have a lot of students intrigued with doing some of their work using non-computer technique mixed with digital. It is a great way to work, and I am glad that the students understand the relevance of all the tools that they have at their disposal.

In the studio is a conference table with a nice working surface. Students in the PM class come in around 12:30 or so and sit there for half an hour before we start class and eat lunch together and share conversation. It is a nice time of the day where they can talk about art topics and just spend a little while discussing whatever they would usually discuss with friends before we get back to the business of working on the SkillsUSA projects. These kids are always happy to get in the studio and to set about the business of creating something new. I have seen lots of very positive work being done, and sometimes one student will have an idea about art that will give another student an idea. Some days, that table is magical.

Other news... it was my son's birthday today, so I raced home after school to get his favorite meal on the table before he came home for dinner. He also got a personal sized chocolate cake to enjoy. That has been his favorite dessert since he was a toddler, and now he is 22. I guess I am realizing today just how quickly time flies by. One day you are convinced you will never hit a certain milestone, and the next... well, let's just say 20 years later is not as long as it once was. My son was always full of life as a young boy, and he still is, 20 years later. (He's just much hairier now!) Happy birthday, son.

The RSVPs are starting to come in for the wedding of my other son, and we are going to have quite a few relatives coming into town. I am very happy that we will have a sort of family reunion, and that we will have such a wonderful occasion to center it on. I am going to have to get serious about getting the details of the rehearsal dinner decided this weekend. I have a place in my mind that I need to look over on Saturday and see if it is available. I can't wait much longer, the wedding is not long off now.

If the weather clears off tonight and it is warmer tomorrow, I will have several errands that I need to run. It will be one of those weekends that will just fly by. I'll post again tomorrow and we will see how far I got! Feeling comfortable if not super about the past week. There is a ton of work to do this month, and we are a long way from the end of a short month in terms of accomplishment of our goals.


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