A new topic...Mark has been facing a new challenge.

Just for the eyes of our family: the challenge of prostate cancer.

Since the beginning of May, last spring, Mark has earned so much respect from me.
He has bravely faced his diagnosis of prostate cancer.

He had surgery in July, and now in August, he is recovering from that. I am so proud of how he is dealing with the whole thing. He (thankfully) seems to have caught it early, thanks to his regular yearly physical. His PSA was slightly elevated and his biopsy came back showing cancer in four of twelve cores in his prostate. He had the option of radiation or surgery, and he opted for surgery. We are now post-surgery by exactly one month, so I can report good progress at this point.

We have a follow-up appointment coming up soon, and are hopeful that the reports are good. Since I have not discussed it since the diagnosis and surgery, I felt that I should start the dialog here. He is being so proactive and is working hard to do everything he can to get past it all. His diet has flipped from fairly carnivorous to nearly (not quite, but almost!) vegetarian. He is taking supplements and doing what he can as far as exercise is concerned. He is prohibited from full-on lifting and exercise for about another week, but he feels really strong and has been doing two slow paced walks per day.

As usual, I am very proud of him.

I love him and I know he will do everything possible to remain healthy.


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  2. So sorry to hear, Mrs. Harman. However, it's great to know that Mr. Harman is feeling better and making good progress. I'll keep your family in my prayers!

    - Colin Kiesling

    1. Thank you Colin. We were very surprised by the cancer, but we are approaching it by giving it to God and we know that’s the way to go. He got a great post op report.


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