Official announcement coming soon!

I am getting by without a computer so far! New iPad Pro is helpful.

I have been one busy lady these past weeks. The biggest thing to come out of it is the official establishment of a limited liability corporation (LLC) that will be the umbrella that Mark and I will use for all of our projects from here going forward. We have been meeting with regard to the establishment of this LLC and what it will mean for each of us, both separately and together. We are both full of ideas and it is an exciting time to be us!

An official announcement will come later as we do more work on it, but we are happy that we have done all of the paperwork. My new iPad Pro (the big one with super fast processor...actually, this thing blazes!) is keeping me happy until our big computer purchase coming up soon. We are getting one that will handle all of our animation rendering needs, so it will be a big boy...

In other news, we are about to head to the coast in a few weeks for about a week to Los Angeles and that general area. We are looking forward to a lot of things, and as they happen, I will write posts about them. I want to use this blog more as a personal travelogue/life thoughts/documentary of life in general from this point forward, so it will be a great spot for me to keep family and friends apprised of what we are up to. I love to write, so some topics may occasionally be for the greater good and a few will feel a bit more personal. I try to give a preview in the title, so read if you are interested! Subscribe to get notified when I post if you feel like it. We will have lots happening in the coming months.

Next weekend we are off to see Sir Paul McCartney in concert in Shreveport - he was sold out at every other location, but we got tickets for the concert next weekend, and who knew in 1964 that I would still be going to hear Beatles music in 2017? That seems far-fetched even to me! Stay tuned!


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