We are really looking forward to starting another school year.

The studio reopens on Monday!
After not posting since springtime, I have decided it is time to create regular posts again now that the 2012-13 school year is here! I feel so excited when I get the new roster of students every semester: I'm not only happy to see the number of students returning for the second or even the third time, but I am also very happy to see the number of young first year students that we get every semester. This year is appearing to be another capacity year with every seat full and not just for the fall semester, but also for the spring. Lots of people continue to want to learn about design and art and especially how to incorporate technology to help them start a career in college in the field. This year, it appears that we have a record number of sophomore students who have signed up to take the course, so in a few years' time, we should have an outstanding crop of very experienced looking portfolios to send to the National Portfolio Days. (This year is what will be a "departmental rebuilding year" as we had a record number of seniors that graduated last spring.)

There were hundreds of 8th grade students who toured CCE last fall as well, so in another year when those students are sophomores, I will be seeing many of those coming in as new students. The future looks good around the Graphic Design and Illustration department, and I am happy about meeting the new students and welcoming back the experienced students on Monday when school starts.

I'll let you know how that day goes, and I'm expecting it to go great!


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