Post holiday musings.

I feel like a bear who has been in hibernation...

I can't say it's an entirely bad feeling, either. I unplugged completely from what I usually do during the breaks from school. I usually find myself working a lot. This year I granted myself a little break and decided to really use the time to recharge. I find that I am happy with that choice. Now it is time to get back to work, and I really feel ready to face what is ahead with enthusiasm and energy.

Lazy isn't always bad. Sometimes it is just necessary. I had a great time with my family and enjoyed being around home. I got reacquainted with my dogs and my living room furniture, and I spent more time enjoying the Christmas decorations than I do most years. I remember a few years when I didn't even have time to put up any decorations, and I feel sad about those years.

So it was a good break, but now it is worktime. These last few days of the semester will be hectic and busy, but I plan to enjoy these kids before they go off to take other classes. This group of students was awesome, and I hope that I see some of them again in the future. They have talent and potential.

I have some advanced students who will be back again next semester, so that will be fun - I always like my afternoon classes in the spring semester. They are the "hard core" group who have really decided to do this for a living, and they produce some amazing stuff in the spring semester every year. Frankly, it is hard for me to believe that I am talking about the SPRING already! Before we know it, this school year will have ended and summer will be upon us. It seems like we just moved into Career Center East, and it is already halfway through school year one. Amazing...


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