Losing my voice has been a drag.

In the past 24 hours, my voice has vaporized to the point of oblivion. I have an upper respiratory infection that has robbed my larynx of its ability to function at all. Nothing but squeaks! Although it is not unusual for me to lose my voice - it happens to me about twice a year and is the most common malady that I get - it is amazing to me to realize how dependent my daily success is upon my voice and how much talking I really do during the course of the day. They say that you never fully appreciate something until you no longer have it. I think that is very true. I miss my voice today.

It was TAKS testing day for the underclassmen. That means there was no morning class for DJCC today. I went to the doctor after missing a day of school yesterday, and he diagnosed me with the "UPI" (upper respiratory infection) and sent me on my way to get a prescription for five days' worth of little antibiotic pills to get me over this more quickly. It is the same medicine that was prescribed to one lady in the front office staff at DJCC who is suffering with the very same thing. I guess she was out for two days total and said she felt much better today - the third day on her medicine. I am holding out hope that I will feel better tomorrow too.

Today was kind of rough. Lots of work is waiting on me to get it done at school, and I am also doing a slideshow for DJ's wedding and the house is still needing to be finished too. Mark and I are planning to leave school every day as soon as we possibly can until after the wedding. We have guests coming to stay with us and lots left to do to get ready for them to stay here. It kind of scared me today when Mark reminded me that our wedding guests arrive 2 weeks from TODAY! Wow, I am really excited but feel more stress than I wish I did at this stage. It would be nice if everything was wrapping up. We had someone measure the back room for carpet this afternoon, and at least things are getting lined up to be finished soon. However, it will be sort of a miracle if everything is wrapped up by the date of the wedding. (We can only hope!) What I want more than anything is for DJ and Hailey to have the wedding that they are dreaming of and for them to get their lives started together on a really unforgettable and wonderful note. They are both such nice "kids" if I am still allowed to call them that, and as a mom, I just want to see them share a day that they will rejoice in. I know that they are looking forward to their honeymoon in The Bahamas, and I hope it is beautiful there. DJ worked so hard to get through Texas A&M in three and a half years that he didn't take any vacations during college at all, going to school every summer session, and he hasn't had any vacations since he started working at the agency. So he is really looking forward to some down time.

I don't even know how to describe how hard Mark has been working lately. He is really striving to finish all of the house stuff that needs doing, and I know he is tired at the end of the work day. He and I have always put so much into our jobs, and now for the next few weeks, we have to put our personal lives ahead of anything else. We want to do everything that everyone wants from us - students, administrators, family - but we are just going to have to do the best we can until after this wedding. We know that our parents put our wedding ahead of anything else way back in the spring of 1978, and I want to do the same for our son. I remember my parents had a pipe break in the plumbing in their main bathroom the week of my wedding and had to rip the floor up to fix it. What a mess! They did it though, and it was all put together again by the time the guests arrived. As parents, you want to do what you can to help your kids. Most parents want their kids' happiness and will move mountains to try to make things great on their big days - our oldest son has a very big day coming up. We want it to be the best it can be. Mountains, get ready to move!


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