Healthier me!

There has been some very encouraging news this week. I have been on a special new way of eating for the past 7 weeks. During that time, I have essentially cut sugar from my diet. That and concentrating on balancing proteins and low carb choices in my meals has caused several things to happen. Firstly, I have lost about 4" from my waistline. This may not seem apparent to people who know me, but I notice it in the way my clothes fit. I have lost approximately 18 pounds. That is starting to show up enough that I am noticing it. I still have a long way to go, but I suspect that I will be able to get there now. This is the least that I have weighed since having my last baby over 19 years ago. It has been such a struggle for me to lose weight, and now I have found a way of eating that allows me to actually lose weight. It is almost a miracle to me! Not only that, but I went to the doctor the other day to have my blood tested as I do about every 3 or 4 months, and another miraculous series of events unfolded. Number one, my fasting blood glucose was 149 mg. Normal blood glucose levels typically register between 70 and 150 mg. The level in someone's body will change during the day and is affected by many factors including what time of day it is as well as what your most recent meal was (or was not). There is danger associated with levels either below or above the range. It is been ages since it got into the normal range for me. Not only that, but my blood pressure was REALLY down, in fact it was optimal at 120/80. I have really had high blood pressure in the not too distant past, so it was such a relief to see that down. So more than to lose weight, I wanted to do this change to promote my health. That matters so much to me, and for the first time in a long time I see it trending the right direction. Yay!

The way of eating that I have been following is Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure. He is one of the only health gurus that seems to really be concentrating efforts on women over 40 these days, and so I have gravitated toward his methods. I think the weight loss is fairly consistent and the eating plan is not exceptionally frustrating. It allows quite a lot of cheese and some carbs. Not very large servings and not many vegetables. Mark likes the large amounts of meat allowed. He is slimming down too. Of course I still have 50 pounds to lose, but I am thrilled to be able to lose any weight at all after so long on a weight plateau. I had come very close to resigning myself to never being able to get any weight off. Now I really do believe that I can lose this final 50 pounds. It may take awhile, but I can already tell that I have more energy and feel better since I have lost the weight that I have gotten rid of so far. So for anyone out there struggling with weight issues, I say DON'T give up. Giving up sugar worked for me though, so if you think you can handle that, look at this book. I'm not eating a lot, and not everything that I think most people would enjoy necessarily, but I have begun to see food as fuel and not entertainment. When you think of food that way, it becomes more important to you to keep from messing up your progress by eating a huge platter of nachos or giant piece of chocolate cake. Not worth it! So maybe one day there will be a thinner me to see!


  1. WOO! Congrats! That's so crazy maybe now I'll stop stress eating ^_^ bad habit for me to get into so early on in college. Thanks for the inspiration! Keep up the hard work, you can do it!!!


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