The hardest working man on the planet right now.

Every single minute that he isn't asleep these days, this man is racing the clock working on our house. We have lots of home improvement projects that we need to wrap up in the next week before DJ and Hailey's wedding, which unbelieveably is two weeks from yesterday! He is taking a personal day off on Thursday of this upcoming week to work hard on getting the house whipped into shape once and for all, but every evening and all weekend he is doing projects. This day he is sawing trimboards. He is replacing all the trim around the doors and also putting down new baseboards. It has become apparent that not everything will be complete, but we are doing the best we can. If we had some help from our kids, things would of course be easier - but DJ can't help until tomorrow because his bachelor party stuff is this weekend and he is in Austin until tomorrow, and Tim has a recording session today and had one last night too. Andi is swamped with work at UNT and can barely find a few hours to go to Hailey's bridal shower tomorrow afternoon. I guess none of us realized how busy this time of year would be. I know that it is hectic for us all, and we will just have to make the best of it. My main goal is to enjoy the week of the wedding which is also spring break. We have planned to have a maid service come through to help with final cleaning of the house on Tuesday before everyone starts to arrive on Wednesday. So we are cutting it really close! I am just nervous about the carpet in the back room. It isn't due to be carpeted until the Monday of spring break, so that is REALLY last minute. However, it simply can't be avoided. Time is running out before the wedding, and even though I know some things will just have to wait, we should just enjoy that Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of spring break. That is the only wedding for DJ and Hailey to ever have, and I really want it to be special.

The shower for Hailey is tomorrow afternoon as I mentioned before. I had asked DJ is there was anything in particular that he knew of that they wanted to receive from their wedding registry, but they are getting a lot of that stuff. They did say that their Crate and Barrel registry was still kind of open, so I ran out there this afternoon and picked up a gift for me and another for Andi to take. I got a mango wood salad bowl from me and a setting of their silverware from Andi. I hope that Hailey gets a lot of that stuff as wedding gifts too. They are getting quite a lot of it though, it is looking good. I like the things that Hailey and DJ chose. Lots of white stuff, very classic. I hope they will enjoy it all through the years. I remember that Mark and I were so young when we got married and hadn't set up households yet, so we just needed everything! We didn't ask for anything elegant or fancy, just practical stuff. The idea of getting silverware or any of that never crossed my mind. We just use stainless steel even now! I guess we are fairly practical people. We had fun setting up our first apartment in Canyon after we got married. It was a teeny little room with a kitchen attached and a bedroom and a bathroom. Hailey and DJ waited until later to get married, so their apartment is much nicer! I think Hailey's parents are planning to move DJ's stuff and Hailey's stuff over to their new apartment during the time they are gone on their honeymoon, so they should be able to get settled in right when they get back from The Bahamas. I know that they appreciate that.

I am very excited as I have said in previous posts, to welcome Hailey into the Harman family - it makes me sad to think that DJ has one set of important people who aren't here to be with him on this special day. I wish his Grandma and Grandad Harman could have been here to share in this. The kids were so close to them. I know that one of the worst things that Grandma Harman had to face when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer was the fact that she was going to miss the special times ahead with her grandchildren. She was so close to them all. I know that somehow God allows people who have passed on to know of the happiness of those they left behind, and I hope that somehow she will be able to see how happy he is. I know that they will both be in my heart on that day, and maybe Hailey and DJ can somehow sense that through the happiness of others there who knew them too. I am so thrilled that one of Grandma Harman's sisters will be there, and I know that will be very meaningful to all of us. So the wedding time is essentially here, and lots of the entries for the next few weeks will have to do with that wonderful event. For my students who read, please understand that there will be more school related content coming along.

For now, I hope you can all somehow share in the joy we are feeling as a family. This is a special time for the Harmans.


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